quarta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2016

Canadian Screen Awards 2016: os nomeados

Melhor Filme
Brooklyn, Pierre Even, Marie Claude Poulin, Finola Dwyer e Amanda Posey
Corbo, Félize Frappier
Les Démons, Galilé Marion-Gauvin e Philippe Lesage
Les Êtres Chers, Sylvain Corbeil e Nancy Grant
Félix et Meira, Sylvain Corbeil e Nancy Grant
The Forbidden Room, Phoebe Greenberg, Penny Mancuso, Phyllis Laing, David Christensen e Guy Maddin
Guibord s'en va-t-en Guerre, Luc Déry e Kim McCraw
Remember, Robert Lantos e Ari Lantos
Room, David Gross e Ed Guiney
Sleeping Giant, Karen Harnisch, Andrew Cividino, Marc Swenker, James Vandewater e Aaron Yeger
Melhor Documentário
The Amina Profile
Hadwin's Judgement
How to Change the World
Last of the Elephant Men
Melhor Realizador
Philippe Lesage, Les Démons
Maxime Giroux, Félix et Meira
Anne Émond, Les Êtres Chers
Lenny Abrahamson, Room
Andrew Cividino, Sleeping Giant
Melhor Actor Protagonista
Maxim Gaudette, Les Êtres Chers
Jasmin Geljo, The Waiting Room
Christopher Plummer, Remember
Rossif Sutherland, River
Jacob Tremblay, Room
Melhor Actriz Protagonista
Céline Bonnier, La Passion d'Augustine
Leah Goldstein, Diamond Tongues
Brie Larson, Room
Karelle Tremblay, Les Êtres Chers
Hadas Yaron, Félix et Meira
Melhor Actor Secundário
Waris Ahluwalia, Beeba Boys
Irdens Exantus, Guibord s'en va-t-en Guerre
Patrick Hivon, Ville-Marie
Tony Nardi, Corbo
Nick Serino, Sleeping Giant
Melhor Actriz Secundária
Joan Allen, Room
Cynthia Ashperger, The Waiting Room
Christine Beaulieu, Le Mirage
Balinder Johal, Beeba Boys
Mylène Mackay, Endorphine
Melhor Argumento Original
André Turpin, Endorphine
Anne Émond, Les Êtres Chers
Philippe Falardeau, Guibord s'en va-t-en Guerre
Benjamin August, Remember
Matt Hansen, Zoom
Melhor Argumento Adaptado
Josh Epstein e Kyle Rideout, Eadweard
Emma Donoghue, Room
Wiebke von Carolsfeld, The Saver
Melhor Montagem
Mathieu Bouchard-Malo, Les Êtres Chers
Renée Beaulieu, Le Garagiste
David Wharnsby, Hyena Road
Nathan Nugent, Room
James Vandewater, Sleeping Giant
Melhor Fotografia
Yves Bélanger, Brooklyn
Sara Mishara, Félix et Meira
Rene Ohashi, Forsaken
Karim Hussain, Hyena Road
Danny Cohen, Room
Melhor Música Original
Michel Corriveau, Anna
Michael Brook, Brooklyn
François Dompierre, La Passion d'Augustine
Stephen Rennicks, Room
Chris Gestrin, Songs She Wrote About People She Knows
Melhor Canção Original
"Where the Light Used to Be", Peter Katz e Karen Kosowski, 88
"Red and Yellow", Martin Léon, Les Êtres Chers
"People Hold On", Noah Reid, People Hold On
"C'est Aujourd'hui que Je Sors", Jenny Salgado e André Courcy, Scratch Un Hip Opéra
"Asshole Dave", Kris Elgstrand, Songs She Wrote About People She Knows
Melhor Design de Produção
Louisa Schabas, Félix et Meira
Galen Johnson, Brigitte Henry, Chris Lavis e Maciek Szczerbowski, The Forbidden Room
Ken Rempel, Kathy McCoy e Erik Gerlund, Forsaken
Arv Grewal, Steve Shewchuk, Larry Spittle e David Best, Hyena Road
Ethan Tobman e Mary Kirkland, Room
Melhor Guarda-Roupa
Joanne Hansen, Beeba Boys
Judy Jonker, Corbo
Christopher Hargadon, Forsaken
Katelynd Johnston, Hyena Road
Arabella Bushnell, Songs She Wrote About People She Knows
Melhor Caracterização
Catherine Beaudoin, Anna
David Scott e Trina Brink, Backcountry
Gail Kennedy, Jo-Dee Thomson, Rochelle Parrent e Jojo Preece, Forsaken
Jayne Dancose, Debra Johnson, Charles Porlier e Doug Morrow, Hyena Road
Sid Armour e Jennifer Gould, Room
Melhor Som
Bernard Gariépy Strobl, Daniel Bisson, Jean-Charles Desjardins e François Grenon, Endorphine
Sylvain Brassard, Arnaud Têtu, Pascal Van Strydonck, Olivier Léger e Gaëlle Komàr, Le Garagiste
Bernard Gariépy Strobl, Daniel Bisson, Claude La Haye e Benoît Leduc, Guibord s'en va-t-en Guerre
Lou Solakofski, Ian Rankin, Joe Morrow, Russ Dyck, Graham Rogers, James Bastable, André Azoubel, Don White e Jack Hereen, Hyena Road
Lou Solakofski, Kirk Lynds, Kristian Bailey, Don White, Jack Heeren, Rob Coxford e Peter Carlstedt, Into The Forest
Melhores Efeitos Sonoros
Sylvain Bellemare, Claire Pochon, Jérôme Décarie e François Senneville, Endorphine
John Gurdebeke e David Rose, The Forbidden Room
Mark Gingras, Jill Purdy, Adam Stein e Steve Baine, Forsaken
Benoît Dame, Stéphane Cadotte e Bertrand Duranleau, Le Garagiste
Jane Tattersall, David McCallum, Martin Gwynn Jones, Barry Gilmore, David Evans, Dave Rose, Brennan Mercer, Ed Douglas, Kevin Banks, Goro Koyama e Andy Malcolm, Hyena Road
Melhores Efeitos Visuais
Darren Wall, Borealis
Alain Lachance e Eve Brunet, Endorphine
Phil Jones, Sarah Wormsbecher, Eric Doiron, Anthony DeChellis, Lon Molnar, Geoff D.E. Scott, Nathan Larouche e Mark Fordham, Hyena Road
Geoff D.E. Scott, Sarah Wormsbecher, Eric Doiron, Nathan Larouche, Anthony DeChellis, Lon Molnar, Joel Chambers, Jason Snea, Kaiser Thomas e Rob Kennedy, Remember
Marcelo Alves de Souza, Paulo Barcellos, Adams Carvalho, George Schall, Luis Dourado, Emerson Bonadias, Diego Moreira, Luciano Santa Barbara, Thiago Sá e Luis Dreyfuss, Zoom

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