Pior Filme: Fantastic Four, Simon Kinberg, Matthew Vaughn, Hutch Parker, Robert Kulzer e Gregory Goodman e Fifty Shades of Grey, Michael De Luca, Dana Brunetti e E.L. James
Pior Prequela, Remake ou Sequela: Fantastic Four, Simon Kinberg, Matthew Vaughn, Hutch Parker, Robert Kulzer e Gregory Goodman
Pior Realizador: Josh Trank, Fantastic Four
Pior Actor: Jamie Dornan, Fifty Shades of Grey
Pior Actriz: Dakota Johnson, Fifty Shades of Grey
Pior Actor Secundário: Eddie Redmayne, Jupiter Ascending
Pior Actriz Secundária: Kaley Cuoco, Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip e The Wedding Ringer
Pior Dupla: Jamie Dornan e Dakota Johnson, Fifty Shades of Grey
Pior Argumento: Fifty Shades of Grey, Kelly Marcel
Razzie Redeemer Award: Sylvester Stallone

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